Structural analysis
About structural analysis
Structural Analysis was introduced to Aotearoa New Zealand in the early 1980s through a series of workshops facilitated by Father Filip Fanchette, who was brought to Aotearoa by the National Council of Churches. The tools that were shared and developed in these workshops focus on strategising for change, primarily by, but also with, marginalised groups. They have made a significant contribution to social justice work in Aotearoa; however they have never been recorded in a way that they can be readily shared with those who weren’t originally involved.
Through our involvement in Treaty work, education for social justice, and community development networks, AWEA has become very aware of increasing numbers of people expressing the need for access to these types of tools to strengthen their practice.
See the series of interviews that explore the influence of Paulo Freire on people working at the flaxroots for social change in Aotearoa/New Zealand